‘UK’s premier business awards for women’
Enterprise Vision Awards – The Rules
Contact us if you need any of the rules clarifying further.
Gender and Position
The Enterprise Vision Awards, (EVAS), are open to all women, and those that identify as a woman.
The awards are designed to recognise, promote and inspire growth, they are committed to forging an inclusive environment that recognises and celebrates gender parity, driving positive change and encouraging female entrepreneurship.
Closing Date
The closing date for completed applications will be midnight on the closing date.
Entry Rules
You can enter yourself or be nominated. You may place one application against as many categories that are relevant to you. This will be classed as one application with multiple category entries. You may edit your entry at any time until the closing date previously stated.
Entrants are asked to submit a head and shoulders photograph in full colour. By submitting this you are agreeing that we may use these for marketing purposes should your application be successful. Please consider the quality of the images you submit and how appropriate they are. We will reject any that are not high resolution or inappropriate. We will not change pictures after submission.
Business Description
The wording from the Business Description section on your application form will be used to promote your application on the website if you reach the finals and will be submitted with press releases. We will not change this after you have submitted your application.
By entering these awards you are agreeing that your email address is added to the awards eletter. We will keep you informed of relevant awards information via this eletter and therefore it is an important part of the awards process. We will not share your information with third parties who are not involved in the awards. All judges will view your information as part of the application process as it is necessary for them to have this information.
Judging Rules
All applications will go through a shortlist process and an independent panel of judges will individually and confidentially view the shortlist and choose their finalists. Please look at the Interview dates and make sure you are available prior to entering.
The judges will aim to select a maximum of 8 finalists in each category but this can be higher or lower dependant on the calibre of entry. The successful finalists will then be interviewed by the panel of judges. The panels may vary for each category. Each interview will take approximately 20 minutes and an adjudicator will oversee the judging process to ensure fairness. The judges have set questions that will be asked of all finalists. The judges will score each finalist individually and the total of these scores will be given to each interviewee. The judge’s scores are confidential and will not be available for finalists. The judge’s scores are final. Failure to attend the interview may lead to disqualification from the competition. We will not give scores or feedback to finalists from the interviews.
Finalist Acceptance
If you are selected as a finalist you will be notified by telephone or email. Once you accept this you are agreeing to complete the awards process which includes the interview and attending the ceremony.
If you cannot agree to the completion of the process you must decline as once finalists accept, press releases are submitted to the local press and this cannot be withdrawn after submitted.
Award Attendance
If your application is successful and you reach the finals, you must agree to attend the awards ceremony for the full duration of the evening. at the ceremony which will take place in September. If you enter you must read and understand the above rules of the competition and agree to abide by them. You must then demonstrate your acceptance by completing your application form. If you’re a finalist and can’t make it to the Awards Ceremony for a valid reason, you’re welcome to send a representative to accept the award on your behalf. If that’s not possible, the award will sadly have to be forfeited.
Voting Rules
The public will be able to vote for their favourite category finalist and the votes will be added to the score awarded by the judging panel to determine the winner. The winner will be announced at the ceremony. Only one vote may be cast for a finalist from any individual in a single category, but you may vote for more than one finalist. An individual may not vote for a finalist using multiple email addresses, and any finalists that are found to be abusing this process may be eliminated from the awards without notice. All due care and attention is given to the elimination of any voting received that is deemed to be multiple voting. Email addresses and ips are all scrutinized vigorously to ensure fairness. Total votes cast for individuals are not disclosed. Votes cast via the enterprise vision awards website are vetted on a regular basis throughout the process.
- The judges’ decision will be based on the quality of the application.
- The judges’ decision is final.
- Only one vote per individual per category is allowed.
- Winners of each category will be decided upon by the combination of votes received which are added to the total score awarded by the judging panel if the judges have not scored an outright winner or if there is a 2% difference in the top scores.
- All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence. Details will not be disclosed to any outside party.
- If you are selected as a finalist you must attend an interview on the dates stated on this website.
- You will not be required to enter any financial information with your application.
- You may create one application and enter multiple categories.
- Votes may be cast via the website only and a genuine email address will be required.
- You may update your entry at any point prior to the closure of the entries.
- If you are not successful we will not notify you of any reasoning to justify the decision.
- Entrants to The Enterprise Vision Awards are taken in good faith and the organisers will not eliminate any entrant for any reason that is not perceived to be relevant to the awards process.
- The Enterprise Vision Awards are based on the current enterprising achievements of the individuals and have no relevance or bearing to current or prior personal circumstances.
- An entrant may not withdraw from the awards process after finalists have been selected unless in extreme circumstances and must do so in writing to the organisers.
- The organisers are in no way responsible for any of the entrants or will not be held responsible for the finalists chosen or winners of these awards as they are not involved in the judging process.